Renowned vintage weight collector and authority, Efren, has been passionate about Physical Culture for his entire life.

He gained international recognition for designing a highly customized and sophisticated home gym at a time when personalized gym equipment for home use was virtually unheard of. In building this unique space, Efren rediscovered his deep connection with the Iron Game, a passion that had been with him since childhood.

Driven by a desire to share his love for vintage weights and strength training, Efren set out to create a comprehensive reference guide that would resonate with both newcomers and seasoned collectors. His goal was simple: to introduce more people to the joy and history of the Iron Game, and to preserve the legacy of vintage strength equipment for future generations.

This is the culmination of his extensive work with support from the passionate Iron community.

"In an astonishingly organic way, Efren has become a representative figure in the world of Vintage Iron. 

He has cultivated and earned a reputation of being a fair deal maker, a hard-working bridge builder and a relentless truth-seeker." 

- Max David Marsh