Berg Hantel - Roses
It’s easy to get caught up in the obsession of getting more and more Iron.
It never ends and we all tend to suffer from this.
I’ve found it most helpful to cycle on and off to keep the fire burning, but also to stop and appreciate our collections.
I recently acquired a second pair of the 1930s deepdish Bergs and it made me rediscover them. I’ve really enjoyed using them again as it has been a while and loading two pairs onto the bar is epic.
The block lettering and round edges is really something to appreciate.
As most know, Berg introduced the first set of weightlifting plates and bar that became the Olympic standard. The deepdish weights from 1928 have a taller straight hub.
These are from the 1930s with the shorter “volcano” hub to fortify against cracks.
York barbell imitated (copied?) the Berg equipment in creating their own weights, bar and collars.
Moral of the story, stop and smell your iron. 😄
Berg Hantel 20 kg1932 Volcano Hub Deepdish
Rene Duverger using the Berg Hantel weights at the 1932 Olympics
Tony Terlazzo using the Berg Hantel Weights at the 1936 Olympics